Everyday Specials

Always Available

There are items I have available every week, no matter what holiday or event is coming up. I like to think of these as my “always available items” because they’re always on hand, and they brighten up even a nondescript day with a splash of color and a touch of sweetness. These include:

  • Challah
    From small rolls to half-pound to 1 pound (and even 2 pound size, upon request), these come in 4 flavors
    • Egg Challah
      Created from our traditional recipe, our standard egg challah is guarenteed to delight your guests and enhance your meal, whether you are having it for Friday night dinner or french toast at a Sunday brunch.
    • Water Challah
      If you follow a vegan diet (and/or hold by the Sephardic minhag), this is the challah you want. But even if you’ve always gone with the egg challah option, you will want to give this a shot.
    • Whole Wheat Challah
      This is a 100% whole wheat dough with the same light, fluffy texture as my other challahs.
    • “Specialty” Challah
      Challah taken to the next level of flavor by adding your choice of topping: salt, sesame seed, poppy seed, garlic, or onion. If it all sounds good and you can’t decide, pick “everything”!
  • Standard Cakes
    6 or 8 inches in diameter, feeding anywhere between ten and twenty people, these delicious and beautifully decorated cakes are enough to make any meal shine in your memory. You can read more about them, including flavors, options, and how to order, on my Standard Cakes page.
  • Cookie Trays and Pastry Trays
    Sometimes you need a lot of little items. These come in 12″ and 16″ sizes and are stacked with an assortment of items. I promise you there will be something there to please everyone around your table.
  • Cake buckets
    One of the tricks to making a really beautiful looking cake is to shave off the rounded top and smooth out the sides so everything is symetrical. But what to do with all the leftover bits? Stuff them into a container, squirt in some frosting for a dash of color and a sparkle of sweetness, and spread the delicious joy of my standard cakes without all the fancy decorations.
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