About Us

About Love Plus Flour

About the Bakery

Love Plus Flour is a woman-owned local bakery based in Cleveland, Ohio. I specialize in making breads, pastries, and cakes which are kosher and pareve (non-dairy). All items are made fresh each week, and can be ordered online or via email, text, or a phone call (No storefront. Yet.)

The Cleveland community has been buying delicious kosher baked goods from Love Plus Flour since September, 2017. But really, the bakery started many years before that.

About Me

Running a bakery has been a dream of mine since I was 5 years, old helping my mother bake cupcakes for my dolly’s birthday parties (which, by strange coincidence, seemed to happen weekly). The fact that I got to eat everything we baked was, in my young mind, only fair.

However, there’s a significant difference between cooking in my mother’s kitchen and opening a commercial bakery. So how did I get from banana bread muffins topped with Sarah Lee frosting to here?

At 16, I began working at the legendary Lax & Mandel bakery. While I was initially hired to help with the daily production, I soon found myself running the baking aspect of the business while the owner recovered from cancer surgery. Arriving at 4am to light the ovens, I would start the recipes, oversee production, and then head to my school classes for the morning, coming back at noon to check inventory and plan out the next day’s work. After the owner recuperated I continued to work at the bakery for another 3 years, until it was time for me to start college.

My real-world experiences had shown me that the number-one thing needed to run a successful bakery wasn’t culinary skills, it was business smarts. So I focused on that, graduating 2 years later with a degree in Business Management.

After that, it was simply a matter of developing my own recipes, building up a routine and a repertoire, and getting the word out.

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